Psychoeducational Assessment in Drayton Valley
Brenda Petrie Psychotherapy & Consulting can complete a comprehensive psychoeducational assessment for children and adolescents between the ages of 6 to 16.
Intellectual giftedness
Learning disabilities
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Mood or anxiety disorders
Other DSM-5 disorders
Please call or email to discuss an assessment.
The total cost for a comprehensive psychoeducational assessment is $1800.00. This assessment fee is all-inclusive and includes time spent on the initial clinical intake session with the parent(s), a review of previous reports and documentation, administration of standardized tests that include an academic achievement assessment (Woodcock-Johnson IV), cognitive assessment (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children V), and behaviour assessment (Child Behavior Checklist), scoring, interpretation, report writing of a comprehensive report to guide parents and educators in meeting the needs of the child. and a debriefing session with the parent(s). Assessments generally involve 3 to 4 hours of testing in the office that may occur over a single or two sessions.
Psychoeducational assessments may identify: